GES’ rules on improper use of Children’s Labour in school
Improper use of children’s labour in school is a common occurrence in schools which many find difficult to distinguish from what is proper. However, the Ghana Education Service has clear rules regarding it.
Very often school children are given groundworks to carry out whiles teaching and learning is going on. In some instances, teachers send children to run errands during contact hours whiles some students or pupils may be instructed to go and weed the teacher’s farm or the school farm as a means of punishment.
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Below are the rules on in Improper use of children’s labour in school that teacher, students and parents need to know to fight for their rights is this rule is breached by a teacher.
READ: GES rules on teaching Notes and working hours
Section 3.7: Improper Use of Children’s Labour in school
Labour is exploitative of a pupil/student if it deprives him/her of education, leisure or development. Therefore;
No employee shall subject a pupil/student to any form of exploitative labour.
A staff shall not use the labour of a pupil/student in any form whatsoever with or without the consent of the parent during contact hours.
An employee shall not send a child on errands for him/her during contact hours.
No staff shall use the labour of pupils/students for private or personal service with or without the consent of their parents or guardians and of the school head during school hours.
The exploitative activities that staff shall not engage pupils/students in shall include but not be limited to: selling or trading in items, weeding, farming, carrying of water, sand, stone and blocks or doing household chores.
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