17 thoughts on “Lesson Plans NOT Compulsory for Basic School teachers

  1. They should come out boldly and say it. Because there are controversy whether to prepare daily lesson plan or not, and most CS are on upon nick.

    1. Those CS asking us to write are telling us to use our own templates o the lesson plan to write. Why are teachers being treated so cruelly. Can nurses be asked to buy health equipments to take care of the sick? None of them will work without them. So why teachers? To the extent of buying our own textbooks to teach. All these must stop.

  2. It is very true that this lesson plan take teachers a lot of time which they could use to prepare themselves adequately. So, it will be helpful if this lesson plan is not compulsory.

  3. I,in particularly,do not bother of either writing the lesson notes or not.But my problem is about the textbooks which have not been released up till date.Can even a farmer go to the farm without a cutlass.

    1. Say it again in fact our leaders r not serious at all… Wht will e lesson plan do if text books r not there…. I can’t think far

  4. Hmmmm my head bought new lesson plan note book for the teachers from the capitation because of what some directors are saying, so now what r we going to do with the note book? Mother Ghana save us.

  5. In my school the c/s has asked all teachers to prepare the lesson plan.termly and weekly and submit to them at the office. Failure they will lose their salary next month. They must treat teachers as human being.

  6. I think the executive secretary of NaCCA should write to the Regional and District Directors to stop teachers using exercise books to write lesson notes for their head teachers for veting.

  7. As to me, maybe the ministry can prepare the notes and create a site for us to download either termly or any other as other are doing it on social media…
    Because I think is time we develop our systems….

  8. I think it will be good that the lesson notes are prepared and printed just the way the provisional ones we are using now are done for teachers . This can even allow teachers across board to have a unique pace teaching lessons. Copying them again is not necessary. This can make it easy for supervision .

  9. At a teachers durbar, this was put to the Nanton District Director of Education,) by a teacher ‘why has GES refused to adopt the proposal of NaCCA to prepare scripted lesson plan for teachers to download read, practice and teach?’ The District Director responded that ‘NaCCA has not communicated to GES about any scripted lesson plan’
    So the question that is begging for answer is that, is it true that NaCCA has really not communicated this innovation to GES? Hmmm

  10. I think NACCA should officially to the regional and district directorate to clear the air. And also, make sure the necessary textbooks and teaching aids are available in our schools for better and quality education

  11. Nacca should officially write to the various district education offices, telling them Ghana is grown pass pen and book lesson notes! Ghana has gone digital, IT oriented and as such cs should change from their old ways. Have they considered other neighboring countries like south Africa and the rest? They moved away from pen and paper long ago.

  12. I was queried for not writing 2 weeks lesson notes. So I stopped writing it and waiting for the worse to happen. Our headteacher is only interested in the lesson notes. Whether the teacher teaches or not, she doesn’t care

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