GES WEEK 12 Lesson Notes for Basic Schools – Download now
GES WEEK 12 Lesson Notes for Basic Schools is now available for download. Kindly take note that were are loading the lessons if the class you are looking for has not been uploaded, kindly check us up again later.
WEEK 12 Lesson Notes for Basic Schools are made available by self motivated and dedicated facilitators. NewsGhana24 does not own the uploaded content.
GES WEEK 12 Lesson Notes Information
Lesson Notes cover all subjects including English Language, History, Science, Computing, Religious and Moral Education, Mathematics, Creative Arts, Our World Our People. Download your lessons for your classes to help teach as a GES staff or a private school facilitator.
WEEK 12 Notes for KG1 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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WEEK 12 Notes for KG2 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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The Basic 1 lesson plan here covers the following subjects: English Language, History, Science, Computing, Religious and Moral Education, Mathematics, Creative Arts, and Our World Our People.
WEEK 12 Notes for Basic 1 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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The Basic 2 lesson plan here covers the following subjects: English Language, History, Science, Computing, Religious and Moral Education, Mathematics, Creative Arts, Our World Our People.
WEEK 12 Notes for Basic 2 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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WEEK 12 Notes for Basic 3 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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WEEK 12 Notes for Basic 4 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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WEEK 12 Notes for Basic 5 (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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WEEK 12 Notes for Basic (DOWNLOAD NOW)
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The Lesson Notes cover all subjects including English Language, History, Science, Computing, Religious and Moral Education, Mathemtics, Creative Arts, Our World Our People.
WEEK 11 Lesson Notes for Basic Schools Downloads
WEEK 10 Lesson plans for Basic Schools Downloads
We also wish to advise that, facilitators should not limit themselves to the content of these materials but further explore and come out with novel ways to teach each lesson and additional materials. Let us take these lessons as they are made available to us each week as simple guides for effective teaching and learning in our basic schools.
We at NewsGhana24 are dedicated to credible news on education and providing the best resources at our disposal through partners to ensure we become your mouth piece, your preferred education news destination and partners towards quality, efficient and effective education in Ghana. We cannot do this without you our cherished teachers and facilitators. Get in touch if you want to join our team of experts, provide us with breaking news in education from your campuses and schools.
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