10 legal 2022 WASSCE Apor that students must take to the exam hall
This article covers 10 legal 2022 WASSCE Apor tips that students must take to the exam hall when the Ghana version of WASSCE (Objectives and subjective test) start on September. There is no law against these tips and students need to arm themselves with these after all the preparation for the examination.
What are the 12 legal 2022 WASSCE Apor that students must take to the exam hall
#1. Can Do Spirt and self-belief.
Going into an examination like the WASSCE 2022, fear in the exam hall can’t be entertained in any way. Candidates should have self believe and a can-do spirit as they step into the examination hall and put in their best.
#2. Respect for the rules of the examination
The WASSCE 2022 is guided by examination rules. Candidates cannot choose which ones they want to obey and the ones they intend to break. Breaking any of the laws can lead to several misfortunes, including the cancellation of your subject results or the entire results of you as a candidate or that of the entire school. The best you can do is to be an exam hall-abiding student.
#3. Do not go into the examination hall with any foreign materials
One of the temptations of many candidates is attempting to enter the exam hall with illegal materials and all kinds of stuff that WAEC examination regulations have expressly indicated as not allowed. Do not be tempted because you will be caught.
#4. Answer questions very well and provide examples and illustrates to support
Candidates who want to do well in the WASSCE 2022 must put in their very best to answer questions and support them with vivid examples, and clearly written answers, among others that will help them perform. Good revision ahead of each paper will ensure that you are able to tackle whatever WAEC throws at students in the form of questions. Good preparation will produce good answers and excellent grades.
#5. Go into the exam with fear or overconfidence
It is a bad Apor to go into the examination hall half confident or overconfident. Manage your fears and tension. When you feel stressed, take a deep breath and slowly breathe out. Calm down for a while before you continue.
#6. Do not forget to provide accurate personal details
Some candidates fail to write their index numbers or write them wrongly. Cross-check the index number. Where you are confused, seek help from the invigilators.
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#7. Watch your grammar, spelling, and how you put your answers across
A good answer in the midst of poor grammar and spelling can reduce your score. Always check your work, and read through it, before submitting the script. Where possible, use simple-to-read English to put your ideas across.
#8. Show working for all maths and calculation-related questions in section B
Mathematics-related questions demand answers clearly showing the procedure and steps used at arriving at answers. Do your best to show how you worked or solved the question. Do not jump steps because the examiner is not only after the final answer but how you arrived at it as well.
Where the objective test involves calculations, know that the examiner has solved the question in at least three to four different ways and has provided the correct answer along with three other wrong answers. If you use any of the wrong approaches to solving the question, you will surely find the wrong answer to be correct by your own workings. Do your best to know how to solve maths objective tests through a lot of pre-examination exercises. A good score on the objective test will help you, so do not just choose answers.
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#9. Manage your time very well
Time management is an important thing to do in the exam hall. Divide your time into planning, Answer writing, and revision or reading through. If section B is a two-hour paper, and you are answering 5 questions, it means each question is 40 minutes. Break it into
10 minutes of preparation per question
25 minutes for answering the questions
5 minutes for reading through.
This helps ensure that you manage time and save yourself from losing marks as a result of not reading through your work. When a question overwhelmed you, and you have spent the time you allocated, move to a new question. Very often, if you start answering a new question, you can earn more marks than attempting and struggling with the one you are almost done with. If you hear the invigilator informing candidates about the minutes left, do not panic, keep working.
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#10. Read over your work
Let us repeat this again… Read over your answers. This will help you to correct grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and omissions in the answers. In the long run, you will save and capture valuable marks. Never panic or fear in the exam hall, believe you can do it, and give your very best.
Go into the 2022 WASSCE and work hard for the result you desire. Keep in mind these 10 legal 2022 WASSCE Apor tips that students must take to the exam hall, and you will be fine.
Source: Ghanaeducation.org