Marriage should not be base on tradition or culture or civilisation but base on thr Word of God.
Anything we do, let’s do it to help other by helping then grow, and raising awareness in them. You can pass an exam by assumption. The minute you say you are good that simple and you are bad, that’s pride. Let’s discuss about somethings we must know in life especially in relationships.
▫️Ladies don’t turn the man you are just dating to your father, never bring yourself down to a man because you realise he has money so all needs are on him. He will use you and leave. We’re you not leaving before meeting him? Don’t depend on the man you’re dating, you’re not yet his wife, even if it’s was the case please value yourself by doing something to support the man (as head of the house), every real man always looks for peace not just love.
▫️Take care of yourself dear ladies, you body odour, but most important is your private part (the vagina) is an opened place that has original odour when there’s no infections. Don’t use soap to wash your vagina, or any other thing to have a good odour. Seek for a gynecologist for better treatment and keep your home, because sex is very necessary. Sex in couple is a regulator and it is a comsumation in a marriage. Infection can make the vagina watered, oversized as though you are a sex worker.
▫️Young men, you’re not married to that young lady, you’re not even sure doing that but she is sleeping over for days, weeks, you don’t even know none of her family. In case something happens, where will go?
In a relationship there’s FOUR process to pass, men and brethren listen carefully:
- PROSPECTIVE STAGE: When a young guy finds the lady, and interested to see each other, on this stage you have no right to question her about Where she’s going? Who is she calling? Who’s is that man? You can sleep with her, you defile your bed, ladies market yourself on this stage. This stage the lady has right to date another person the same as a the man. Respect the woman don’t check her phone, ladies if a man does this her run for your life. Because when he marries you what will happen?
The day the man proposed, you move from here to the next, you don’t send him or her to your family here but at the next level.
- THE PERFOMATIVE STAGE: When you agree to get married him after his proposal. You can now propose him to your family, things can happen her, family might break it but there’s always hope. Then we move to level 3. Marriage, after the two families agreed.
- PRIGRESSIVE STAGE When you say I do, I do, here both lived all alone with different backgrounds, some might lived only with father, some coming from broken family, so, this stage has always problems, misunderstanding, but thus misunderstanding us great progress. There will be 2 ways of thinking. The priest conduct marriage between two bodies to one body, but the two body must now come to one mind, because you are going to be together forever as one.
- THE PERFECTIVE STAGE: The husband and wife becomes one, many marriage lives together but never became one as the Bible says, many marriage still at the prospective stage. In this stage there’s no leader, even though the man is the head.
The two must come to point to know that things must written as agreement for peace to rule. In the beginning of the relationship a man is a lover but the day he becomes husband he will now become two, the leader and the lover, women learn to identify the lover and the leader in your marriage. Otherwise you feel like the man does love you anymore, when you identify this respond to the leader yes,sir, and your lover yes babe.
Men also balance the two don’t keep the leader always. In all this Jesus is the main leader, that mean in a marriage we have four people involved, Jesus + man (the leader and the lover) + woman.
When you understand this perfectly your marriage can never fail.
Marriage should not be base on tradition or culture or civilisation but base on thr Word of God.
Leadership policy is compulsory for a man, its not because men and women read the same course that mean we are the same, men must be trained to lead a home. Men destiny is to lead a home. When God thought of a man hmHe gave him a destiny to lead a home and to train his son to lead a home, never raise your hands to hit a woman.
Most people outside there with no training, sexwokers, gangster fornicating, etc. don’t have a real father, nobody to train him/her, especially boys. A woman can’t train a man. Both man and woman are needed for better training.
God set a marriage system for success, mot for divorce, a man is leader, a provider, an administrator, a defender, a judge, a king.
As a leader take responsibility for everything including delegated responsibility. Always check your kitchen, the gas cylinder if everything is working, follow up all that you wife is doing it is just a job delegated to her. Check your children room.
Fight to provide don’t destroy the fabric of your home. You can be a lower provider kot a zero provider.
Man you must be a seeker of God, lead your home with prayer and the word of God.
Man is not to be control or given to appetite. Everything must be planed no money be used for pleasure if it was not set for that. Man control yourself don’t destroy the system of your home. Command your home (Genesis 18) this doesn’t mean slap your wife, or blow your children. You don’t have right to hit your wife.