How to win 1 of the (100,000) 2021 US Diversity Visa Lottery Green cards
US Diversity Visa Lottery or Green Card gives winners the right to live and work in the US after going through the entire processing. However, many who take part in the US Diversity Visa Lottery hardly win or come close to winning.
This article will guide you with the essential legitimate processes to help increase your hence of winning.
Also Read:US Diversity Visa Lottery 2021 Starts October 2nd
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US Diversity Visa Lottery also known as DV-Lottery or the Green card is a lottery organized by the government and people of the United State of America. It opens a once in a lifetime opportunity to migrants across the world to earn what is called the Green Card.
How are winners of the US Diversity Visa Lottery selected?
Winners of the US Diversity Visa Lottery are selected randomly. When an applicant wins, he or she and the family will be contacted officially through an email. The winner receives what is called the diversity immigrant visa.
It is an important document which gives the winner to permanently live and work in the United States.
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How to Apply for the US Diversity Visa Lottery 2021
To increase your chance of winning the 2021 Green Card lottery organized by the US under the Travel.State.Gov demands following 7 basic steps.
According to the Travel.State.Gov, every step in the process is important and applicants must meet them all to ever have the chance of been selected.
STEP 1 – US Diversity Visa
Apply for the Diversity Visa Lottery 2021 online using the only the official website of the United States Government. Registering through third-party sites does not guarantee your entry will be processed. Don’t make the mistake of paying to a scam site to process your application. The US embassy has already warned. If you have not read our previous article go to US Diversity Visa Lottery 2021 Starts October 2nd, to read before you continue.
STEP 2 – US Diversity Visa
Having completed all the sections of the online form, upload your recent picture which should not be more than 6 months old. Click the submit button to upload the passport picture. if successful, good. But if the passport is rejected, you have to take a better one. There are more instructions on this on the official website Travel.State.Gov.
Your application stands the chance of disqualification if you use an old passport picture.
Our advice to you is to take a new digital passport photo that meets the requirements of the Diversity Visa Lottery 2021.
Dont live anything to chance.
STEP 3 – US Diversity Visa
If every process has been completed, click the final button that will submit your entry into the US Diversity Visa Lottery also known as DV-Lottery.
STEP 4 – US Diversity Visa
You will receive the all-important confirmation number or a letter containing the number a few seconds after applying.
Make you print it out. You can also save a copy into your email.
Keep the printed copy and email safely.
Some people laminate the printed and keep it as part of their valuables so that they don’t miss the opportunity when they have to check their status online.
STEP 5 – US Diversity Visa
Diversity Visa Lottery will draw 100,000 winners randomly. These lucky winners will receive the notification directly into their emails.
This means you have to cross-check your email very well when registering. Out of the initial number selected, many will fall along the way.
STEP 6 – US Diversity Visa
winners who are shortlisted will have to fill the Visa application documents and commence the processing.
This is a very rigorous process. Make sure your information is accurate, fill out the forms correctly and obey all the rules and provide the needed requirements.
Failure to do this well may lead to your disqualification.
You cannot lose the chance to grab one of the 50,000 diversity visas available.
STEP 7 – US Diversity Visa
Your successful Visa Application process will be confirmed by an email. This will require you to go through a US Visa appointment interview in your country of residence where you applied for the Diversity Visa Lottery.
The email will contain the interview date , time and venue which will be the US embassy or Consulate in your country of residence.
Prepare for the Visa Interview, ask family and friends who have been successful at such interviews for tips, read from the official website of the US embassy to know what they will be looking out for.
Arm your self with the needed information before the day and remain calm.
The immigration officer at the Embassy will go through your documents during the interview and also ask the relevant questions for the needed clarifications
STEP 8 – US Diversity Visa
If you go through the interview successfully, you will receive a temporary travel visa (immigrant visa). This Visa is issued to enable you to the USA. The rest of the need preparations will have to be done by you and the Embassy until you migrate to the US
The Embassy will also stamp your passport when you land in America for the first time at the “Port of Entry”. This stamp is proof of your temporary green card status.
STEP 9 – US Diversity Visa
Your all-important Green Card will be issued to you by mail 3-4 weeks after you have arrived in the United States of America.
We hope this content by has to give you a clear road map on how to win one of the 100,000 US Diversity Visa Lottery Green cards for 2021. Catch more entry requirements for the 2021 visa lottery (DOWNLOAD NOW)
Source: Wisdom Eli Kojo Hammond |Human Rights Activist|Public Speaker| Budding Leadership & Research Expert |Educationist, Author & Blogger |