When Parents Say No To Your Marriage: Must Read
Are you planning for a wedding preparation where one or both sides of the parents are not in support? Then carefully read this article for some kind of advice on whether to continue or put a stop to it.
There’s a popular saying that-what an elder sees while seated cannot be seen by someone young even if he or she climbs an iroko tree for a good and clear gaze. Apart from the wisdom of elders, our parents (especially the godly ones have the authority to direct in the Lord so as to help us avoid making mistakes which are avoidable.
It is dangerous to proceed a wedding ceremony that one’s parents are not in support due to suspicion and negativity surrounding it especially when they do not have any selfish or bias or ulterior motives attached for the refusal, but as a result of their findings or direction from God after much prayers.
When parents says no, some today thinks of eloping to a far away location, only to get wedded secretly and face the reality of the challenges their parents tried to deliver them from and wish they could reverse their wrong decisions.
“His father and mother replied, “Is there not an acceptable woman among your families or among all our people? Must you go for those uncircumcised Philistines to get a life partner?” But Samson replied to his father,“Get her for me. She is the right one for me.” (Judges 14:3).
When parents kick against a marital arrangement from going on like that of Samson in today’s text, it is wise for the intending couple to carefully enquire of their parents to know the reasons for their refusal before deciding whether it can be considered prayerfully and physically in order to avoid family crises and other marital anomalies.
I also admonish parents not to be at war with their children on matters like this. The best is to advice and pray for them.
And to intending couples in this kind of issue, let God guide you.
When parents says no, take it to God in prayers and seek more counsel.
May I not pay deaf ears to my parents good counsels like Samson and fall into marital mess in Jesus name.