Theatre Workshop by the German Unit of UEW in collaboration with the University of Abomey – Calavi, Benin
The German Unit of the University of Education, Winneba in collaboration with the University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin presents a theatre workshop within the framework of the German Studies Institutions Partnership (GIP – Germanistische Institutspartnerschaft).
Theatre Workshop by the German Unit of UEW in collaboration with the University of Abomey – Calavi, Benin
In cooperation with the Cultural Centre “Deutsch bei uns” in Abome-Calavi, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Friedrich Schiller’s classic drama “Die Rauber” (The Robbers) have been reinterpreted into a modern and West African context. On the basis of this play, a one-day workshop will be held on the theme:
Inclusion of the German Language in Language Teaching Through Theatre Science Approaches.
At the end of the programme, the UAC theatre group will perform the newly interpreted play “The Robbers“.
The opening session of the programme is scheduled as follows:
Date: 26th – 29th November, 2019
Time: 9 AM
Venue: Registrar’s Conference Room, UEW
Information on the theatre performance can be found here.