See the 1st Century House in Nazareth Where Jesus Christ May Have Grown Up in (Photo)
Archaeologists have shared a picture of the house where Jesus Christ of Nazareth may have grown up in the first century.
Archaeologists working in Nazareth, which is where Jesus Christ grew up, have found a house from the first century that was thought to be where Mary and Joseph raised Jesus.
LiveScience says that the house was cut into a rocky hillside and has walls made of mortar and stones. It was first found in the 1880s by nuns at the Sisters of Nazareth convent, but it wasn’t until 2006 that archaeologists led by Ken Dark, a professor at the University of Reading in the UK, dated the house to the first century and identified it as the place where people who lived hundreds of years after Jesus’ time thought he was raised.
No one knows for sure if Jesus ever lived in the house, but Dark says it’s possible.
“Was this Jesus’s childhood home? Archaeological evidence makes it impossible to say, “In an article for the magazine Biblical Archaeology Review, Dark said what he thought about this. “On the other hand, there is no good archaeological reason to doubt this identification,”
Research shows that people in the Middle Ages thought that Jesus grew up in this house in Nazareth, which was built in the first century.
It is thought that Jesus grew up in the city of Nazareth. Archaeologists found that the Byzantine Empire, which ruled Nazareth until the seventh century, added mosaics to the house and built a church called the “Church of the Nutrition” on top of it to protect it many years after Jesus’ time.
Crusaders who went to the Holy Land in the 1200s fixed up the church, which had got in bad shape. Dark said that this proof shows that both the Byzantines and the Crusaders thought that this was where Jesus grew up.
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