JUST BELIEVE: Living Word Devotional By Pastor Mensa Otabil
So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you. —Matthew 17:20
From the day we become Christian until the day we die, we are to walk by faith. That is the life of a Christian. Jesus tells us that if we had as little as a mustard-seed-size faith, we could do anything. That is because we are not the ones doing the miracles, God is. All He wants us to have is faith in Him that He can and will perform what we ask Him to do for us.
Worth Reading
Living Word Devotional: A SECRET POWER SOURCE By Pastor Mensa Otabil
The Fatherhood of God: Father’s Day sermon by Reverend Obed Danquah
We have to believe! But how do we have this belief? By hearing the Word of God repeatedly until it sinks into our hearts. In addition to believing, we have to trust Him that He will perform His promises in our personal lives. Many Christians believe God can do all things, but don’t believe God enough to do things for them. His promises, among many, include peace, joy, rest, love, protection, and, of course, the ultimate promise of salvation. They are all free gifts to us.
Once we have a little faith, we must put it to work and exercise it with the authority that God has given us. We start with small things and, as we pass the small faith tests, we will become more confident and our faith will continue to grow.
Do you have a desire? Are you facing any trial? Are you in any trouble? Pray believing that you have received what you are asking for by faith, and you will have it. No matter how little your faith may be, if you put it to work, you will see results. Exercise your faith today.
Prayer: Lord, I believe.
Scriptural Reading: Matthew 17:14-21