How to Pass WASSCE 2023 Core Mathematics by Strategy
To pass WASSCE Core Maths, you need to have a strong desire, develop a positive attitude toward math, become a more determined math student, take control of your own life, use WAEC Core Maths past questions well, know what WASSCE Core Maths topics to focus on, and hang out with other students who do well in Core Maths.
It’s also important not to hate your Core Maths teacher, even if they make studying Core Maths a nightmare for you. Have you noticed that students who finally get an A1 in math are not the ones who waste their time talking badly about their math teachers?
Most importantly, what you do in the exam room on that day will either help you pass the Maths test or set you up to fail.
Importance of learning and passing Core Mathematics
So why is passing WASSCE Core Maths important? Core Maths is important because a credit pass (at least a C6) in Core Maths is needed for a high school student to get into most Ghanaian public colleges and universities.
In other words, if you want to continue your education at a public university, college of education, or nurses training college, you must get a good grade in Core Maths.
Again, if you want to join the Ghana Immigration Service, the police, the army, the air force, the navy, the fire service, or other government agencies, you need a credit pass in Core Maths.
It’s true that not all colleges or jobs require a credit pass in math. Some people think that getting a good grade in Social Studies is good enough for some courses. But overall, most high school graduates in Ghana and other WAEC-member countries need at least a credit pass in Core Maths to move on to the next level.
This is why everyone loves and hates math at the same time. You have to get a good grade in Core Math, right?
In this post, I’ll show you the steps I took years ago to easily pass my WAEC Core Maths exam. I think that anyone in my situation can pass the WAEC General Mathematics test because I was able to pass the Core Maths test even though I had a hard time learning math as a student whose favorite subject was the arts or humanities.
There will always be a chance.
1. Have a burning mindset
Just like with any other goal, how much you want to succeed will determine how far you get. So make your level of wanting very high. Let it burn in your chest every morning, afternoon, and night.
Pay attention to this strong desire to do well in math. And keep telling yourself how badly you want this to happen and how determined you are to make it happen.
2. Have a positive attitude
Just to make it clear. You can’t get what you want unless you think you CAN.
The first step to success is to be sure that you can get an A1 or at least a C6 in math. Because you will have to take the steps you need to get there.
Here are some things you can do to change your bad feelings about math into good ones.
- Stop telling yourself you can’t pass Math because you’re not good at it. Because you are not.
- Get away from people whose words make you afraid of math or make your fear of math worse.
- Use positive affirmations to boost your confidence in your ability to learn and understand math.
- Don’t ever stop believing that the power of the Universe will help you do your best in WAEC Core Maths.
3. Get More Determined
No matter how smart you are in Math, you still need a good amount of daily determination to succeed.
Even if you are good at math, don’t take things for granted. And if you’re having trouble learning math, you’ll need a lot of determination to pass WAEC Core Maths.
For example, don’t let a single very low score on a math test bring you down for the rest of your life. Instead, pay close attention to your weaknesses and learn not to make the same mistakes again. Smile when things are hard. Don’t give up, and you’ll have a good time at the end of the day.
And remember, don’t let a good score on a test make you think you’re good enough. You need to work hard every day if you want to be successful.
4. You are in charge of your own life.
Let’s be honest: not every math teacher is at the top of their game. I still think that a couple of my elementary school teachers’ bad attitudes made it harder for me to do well in the subject when I was younger.
Many times, I was so scared of my math teacher that I didn’t understand anything in class. So I spent most of my time at the bottom of the Math class.
But what scared me the most was realizing that I might not get the Distinction I knew I could get, even if I kept doing well in English, History, and other classes. Because my terrible math grade would ruin everything.
When I realized that, it changed everything for me. As a 13-year-old elementary school student, I decided to teach myself math from that point on. Everything else is history.
Here’s the point I want to make. Don’t let a bad way of teaching Maths by a teacher stop you from passing. Don’t pay attention to anything bad they say. Do what you can. Find your own way to understand the things that are hard for you.
And, if you can believe it. You can read math the same way you read literature or politics. Use the same skills that help you do well in your favorite subjects to help you understand as many of the WAEC Maths concepts as you can.
5. Use the previous WAEC Core Maths questions
Find as many past Core Maths questions as you can and add them to your learning tools. Past questions have always been a reliable way for serious high school and college students to prepare for tests.
Here are some things to keep in mind when answering past WAEC Core Maths questions.
- WAEC’s past questions are getting harder and harder to find these days. You might be able to get the Maths past questions you need from your teachers, other students, seniors, or older siblings.
- You can get past WAEC Maths questions online.
- Purchase a book with WASSCE Core Maths Questions and Answers. In Ghana, two well-known brands are Aki Ola and Approachers series. But they aren’t the only useful math books for high school. You can get good ones at your local bookstore or from other teachers who write textbooks for sale.
- Look at how the math questions have changed over time. Note the ones that come up a lot.
- Try answering past questions Then you can compare your answers to the ones in the books. As often as you can, do this.
6. Pay attention to the right things
So, how do you learn to pass the WASSCE General Mathematics?
Take my word for it. If you are having trouble with math, the worst thing you can do to yourself is spend most of your time forcing yourself to learn topics that are making your life hard.
Look, there are some parts of the WAEC Maths curriculum that you might never fully understand no matter how hard you try. Don’t talk about these things.
Do you know of any other topics like this? No. This is a matter of taste. What I might find hard to understand, you might find easy. So just figure out what’s giving you a headache every time you try to figure it out.
Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying at all that you should keep avoiding topics that are hard for you. Most of the topics can be understood if you work hard and keep at them. But some won’t give up.
Even if you don’t know everything, you can still pass the WAEC Core Maths examination.
Think about the following ideas.
- Instead of wasting time on things that aren’t helping, focus on getting better at the parts of math that aren’t too hard or are easy for you.
- The goal is to get as many points as possible in these areas. This will make up for any points you may have lost because of those hard math topics.
- Just make sure there are a lot more things you want to talk about than things you don’t want to talk about.
- Even in the hardest parts of the Math paper, there is always a choice to be made.
- There is always a high chance that you will find some questions that you can answer.
- Don’t forget that you don’t even have to get a perfect score (100%) to get an A1 in math.
Find some time to learn the easier parts (sub-topics) of your hard topics. And I think that’s enough.
You can contact me or leave a comment below this post if you need more information about point 6, in particular.
7. Get to know math students who are perfect
Some students are just good at math from the start. There aren’t many math ideas that are hard for such good math students to understand.
If you have an Archimedes or a Pythagoras in your class or family, consider yourself lucky. Find a way to get them to help you better understand the subject.
Trust me, some of these math geniuses can help you get over your worries about WAEC Core Maths.
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