Ghana is losing the COVID-19 battle – This is why
The latest COVID-19 update by the Ghana health service must be a reason to worry if this nation is on your heart. Ghana is losing the COVID-19 battle as we recorded 758 cases in a day as the total active case rises to 4941.
This brings our total case count to 19388. The voters’ registration exercise going on may be a contributing factor. In Tema, Ghanaians rushed to the registration centres like bees on a goose chase and were “bumper to bumper” whiles waiting for their turn. Can you imagine the inherent risk in that? We blame the EC and for that government.
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Ghana is losing the COVID-19 battle because our decision as a country to compile a new voters’ register has defeated the efforts we have put in since March 2020.
To think that we have the needed health facilities to accommodate huge numbers is a fallacy. Hon Carlos Ahinkorah’s action of spreading the virus freely in Tema is another worry.
Now, the President of the state has been advised to self-isolate as one of his close associates has tested positive.
Our students are back to school and are also at a high risk of infection. Sadly many of these students are not in the boarding house and so when they leave home for school there is a high possibility that they might get into contact with infected persons.
With the nose, masks become fashionable and being worn on the forehead, chin and the rare of the head, everyone is at risk.
Yes including you. Public transport operators and passengers are now loading the normal capacity at the blind side of the law and law enforcement agencies.
These are all indications that Ghana is losing the COVID-19 battle. The Ghana Medical Association continues to complain of the lack of PPEs yet, the government says it has supplied enough.
More than 150 doctors in Ghana have been infected with COVID-19 whiles four of them have lost their lives.
Attitudes like that of Carlos Ahinkorah are disheartening yet, members of the ruling party think his resignation is enough punishment. It is important to put on record that, the law on COVID-19 passed by the state does not consider resignation as punishment for such offenses. The some are above the law syndrome is in action from the NPP primaries to Carlos Ahinkora to the EC registration activities it is a fact that Ghanaians have dropped their guard, Ghana is losing the COVID-19 battle and when it trikes hard, Ghana may begin to find dead bodies on our streets.
Currently, we all have to go and register for our voters’ identification card and probably died in some weeks because some of us are not serious.
Our leaders are joking with this deadly disease, It is good to know that this virus does not know whether you’re rich or poor. The places we will run to for healing when we’re infected, (developed countries) that’s where the virus is at its peak.
It is probably time to Lockdown Ghana again before we start to see horrible things happening in the country.
The only solution is for Ghana to lockdown. It may seem unnecessary now to some, but we will be in serious trouble if it becomes absolutely necessary. The emergency is a lack of options. The best way to manage this is to avoid emergency situations. We shouldn’t give up on containment.
If we don’t take care, the election will not even take place, because it will be like the whole world got the virus from Ghana. The European countries know why they won’t allow any Ghanaian to come to Europe. Ghana has become a high-risk zone.
Ghana is losing the COVID-19 battle and since our politicians are not adhering to the protocols, and the political will to take the very tough and urgent decisions have been shelves our cases will continue to increase. Let the 758 new cases represent zero. What will 20% be? that is 15160. Expect that more by the end of July. Ghana is at risk and under attack by COVID-19. Let our leaders keep on sleeping on the job, let the right decisions and investments be thrown to the dogs.