Don’t pay new transport fares yet – GPRTU to commuters
Don’t pay new transport fares yet – GPRTU to commuters.
In Ghana, a recent conflict has arisen within the transport sector, pitting the Ghana Private Roads and Transport Union (GPRTU) and the Ghana Road Transport Coordinating Council (GRTCC) against other transport organizations like the Transport Operators Union and the Concerned Drivers Association of Ghana.
The latter groups announced a unilateral fare increase of 30 percent set to commence on April 13, 2024, citing the government’s neglect of their long-standing grievances concerning operational costs, including fuel price hikes.
In response, the GPRTU and the GRTCC have issued a joint press release firmly opposing this announced fare increase, declaring it unauthorized and illegal.
They highlighted that any fare adjustments must adhere to the established processes defined by the Administrative Instrument governing public transport fare reviews in Ghana.
This legal framework ensures that fare adjustments are fair, transparent, and considerate of all stakeholders, including commuters.
The two organizations have underscored their commitment to ongoing discussions with the Ministry of Transport and other relevant entities to address the current issues thoroughly and fairly.
They are urging the Regional Administrations, Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies, as well as Station Welfare Committees, to enforce compliance with the existing fare structures until an official agreement has been reached and approved.
Moreover, they call on all transport operators to abide by the current fare rates and trust in the leadership’s negotiations on their behalf.
The leadership of GPRTU and GRTCC remains engaged in constructive dialogue to ensure that any fare adjustments are justified and communicated officially to the public.
The current situation serves as a reminder of the critical importance of regulatory frameworks in maintaining order and fairness in essential services like public transportation.
It also underscores the need for continuous dialogue and cooperation among all stakeholders to address the challenges facing the sector in a manner that balances the interests of operators and the commuting public alike.
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