December 31st, 2020 is Doomsday Prophecies Market Day – Black Night for Doomsday Prophecies
December 31st, 2020 is Doomsday Prophecies Market Day in Ghana and only God knows how many prophets will be bringing their stocks to the market for sale.
Prophetic declarations by Ghanaian men of God on 31st Night each year has been filled with doom and nothing else. Is the God they worship that wicked to always prepare for us a dozen of doom each time the year gets ready to coil into history?
Whiles God is planning a fulfilling life for nations, even in the midst of challenges, Ghanaians and believers in the gospel in Ghana also have their fair share of true men and women of God who speak the mind of God, tell us about the state of man, the way to salvation and the true message of God for the coming year.
In the midst of these true messengers are false prophets and self-made men of God and prophets who cook their own prophecies to keep the mind, body, spirit, and soul of the nation in fear.
December 31st, 2020 is Doomsday Prophecies and Questions
There seem to be more questions than answers as we get ready for another 31st December Watch Night Service. Why does God only bless these prophets with doomsday prophecies? It’s shocking enough that God hardly reveals progressive, life-transforming, and nation-building prophecies to these so-called men of God. Why does God always reveal to these prophets outcomes of the year ahead on 31st Night?
December 31st,2020 is looking at us all, and self-crafted prophecies by so-called men of God are being hatched, cooked, and planned to put fear into people, prevent them from planning their lives, and to live in terror of death, accident, and other calamities.
Our Pastors who list prophecies on paper ahead of the 31st night are weird. Prophetic declaration and statements lose their credibility when they are ready to be delivered from a list.
Ghana’s Doomsday Prophets, are you ready with another dose of self-cooked prophecies, or you will turn your back from your traditional doomsday messages that defy logic, Christianity and lead to stress, fear, and anarchy in the minds and souls of Ghanaians?
In the past 10 years, Ghana’s doomsday prophets have revealed less than 5% positive and life-transforming prophecies. Glory be to God, the Chief Imam is alive, Shatta Wale is here, and many others who were told will die.
One such master of Doomsday Prophecies speaking at the watch night service of the final day of the year 2018, predicted the death of former President John Agyekum Kufuor and his wife, John Mahama in 2019. These people are still alive. Did God change his mind or the prophecy was man-made?
Religious leaders in Ghana called for restraint after angry reactions by Muslims to a prophecy by the self-proclaimed diviner that the country’s Chief Imam will die in 2019. We all know the outcome of the story.
READ: The United States and Britain in Prophecy – A must read
All manner of incantations that lack divine power from the one true God is used, putting persons truly seeking after God in spiritual bondage.
December 31st, 2020 will be another market day for criminals in the house of God, occults, and voodoo worshippers parading as God’s chosen vessels and leading the lost sheep further away from the truth.
All Ghanaians and the Christian community need from the December 31st, 2020 watch night service is truth and unadulterated prophecies. Prophecies that are devoid of human thoughts, manipulation, and creative false thinking. Prophecies that are divine, inspired by God, directed by Him for His people and the nation. We call on men of God to control their quest to prophesy things that are not from God. Kill that desire, quench that thirst for worthless fame, fear God, stay off.
God reveals to redeem, the situation where so-called prophets predict with pride doom for others and raise their shoulders higher than the altar of God must be shelved forever.
Self Leadership by true men of God and self-acclaimed ones is needed. Those using the preaching of the gospel as a business and will be attempting to come to the limelight on the night for the selfish personal interest that contradicts God’s plan must also shelve the temptations.
Ghana, Ghanaians, and Believers are indeed tired of all the challenges that 2020 offered. We don’t need any loose prophecies not powered and led by the Holy Spirit.
In the publication by (Dein, 2018) title “Prophecies are Dangerous Things: Mental Health Implications of Prophetic Disconfirmation” was not only deep but a summary of what fake prophesies cause many in Ghana.
The researcher posited that people who have received prophecies ended up very distressed after receiving apocalyptic prophecies.
In Ghana, our doomsday prophecies that are paraded on TV, social media, and other places do just this and form part of these ill motive plans of some wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Can you imagine a man of God telling you, you will not make it after hours of fervent prayers in the name of some self orchestrated prophecies? How will you feel and how will you see God?
Spare us the messages that are not from God on December 31st, 2020. Speak only the mind of God.
READ: Fighting “Men of God” are self made