6 reasons why BECE Students with Aggregate 26-48 will Enjoy Free SHS in 2023
The 2023 School Placements are expected to be released in February 2023. Many students are scared of missing school placement because their results are bad. But there are 6 reasons why BECE Students with an Aggregate of 26-48 will Enjoy Free SHS in 2023. are factual reasons no one can deny.
We present to you the 6 reasons why BECE Students with “BAD” Grades should not fear SHS placement.
Many 2022 BECE graduates are jittery because their grades are not as good as they expected them to be.
The fear is that they will not be admitted into Senior High School. The truth of the matter is that. That is a very unlikely occurrence unless they score nine in Maths or English
The reasons why all candidates who sat for the 2022 BECE will be placed or allowed to enjoy free SHS are as follows.
1. Free SHS is not discriminatory in the sense that the government believes that BECE should not be the end of schooling for any student after completing his or her Basic education. This simply implies, candidates who score above aggregate 25 will also be given the chance to enjoy Senior High School Education.
2. The second reason why every BECE sitter will gain admission into Senior High School during the School Placement for 2023 is that, the new school placement system called The Computerized School Selection and Placement System (CSSPS permits students to be placed in schools based on their raw score and not the grades they obtained.
Thus, the sum of the actual scores a BECE certificate holder obtained summing up (English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Integrated Science) and any other two best subjects are used. Any aggregate that does not have a grade 9 in Maths and or English is more likely to be placed.
3. Again, BECE Students with an Aggregate of 26-48 will gain admission because there are enough schools to get students placed when the school placement is completed. Those who do not get automatic placement would be usually given a second chance to do what is called Self Placement. What it means is that, if a student is not placed but is given the option, he or she must go online to the school placement portal and select a school. However, students may not get their preferred choices.
4. Furthermore, the government of Ghana is ensuring that every child of school-going age is given an opportunity to at least complete SHS. The government can therefore not decide to prevent any candidate from continuing his or her education at the Secondary school level.
5. Finally, the Ghana Education Service has announced on countless occasions that, there will not be any cut-off point for entry into SHS. This means that all candidates have an equal opportunity to be placed in one school or the other when the Ghana Education Service completes the placement.
6. 2024 is just around the corner and it is an election year, hence BECE Students with Aggregate 26-48 will be given admission. The government will do all within its power to ensure every BECE candidate is placed. This is to ensure it scores some favourable political points ahead of the election.
However, read this Gain Admission to Best SHS with Good BECE Grades to help further update your knowledge on how to succeed in entering the school of your choice.
Students are encouraged and assured to put away the fear of not getting placed because they did not perform well. The days of the cut of the point are in the past. Until GES decides otherwise. No student will be left behind unless some other issues crop up. Note that BECE Students with an Aggregate of 26-48 will surely be admitted into SHS in 2024.