The BECE 2023 starts on Monday, August 7th, 2023 to Friday, August 11th, 2023. The BECE will be written earlier this year as compared to the previous year in which the exams was written on 17th October to 21st of October last year. Candidates are urged to master these RME questions as they have six days to begin their examination.
Candidates should note the following;
- All questions carry equal marks
- Answer all the questions in their answer booklet
- Credit will be given for clarity of expression and orderly presentation of material.
Answer one question only from this section
1. (a) Show how God tested Abraham’s faith. [4 marks]
(b) What promise was made to Abraham after he obeyed God? [10 marks]
(c) State two moral lessons to be learnt from the life of A9braham. [6 marks]
2. (a) Give five contributions of Caliph Abu-Bakr to Islam. [15 marks]
(b) What three lessons can be learnt from the contributions of Caliph Abu-Bakr.? [5 marks]
3. (a) Write five important facts about Egya Ahor. [15 marks]
(b). What three lessons can be learnt from the life of Egya Ahor. [5 marks]
Answer one question only from this section
4. Distinguish between the terms comportment and courtesy. [6 marks]
(b) Describe any four ways of showing courtesy in your community. [14 marks]
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5. (a) Describe four ways that can show comportment. [10 marks]
(b). Explain four significances of courtesy and comportment in any society. [10 marks]
Answer one question only from this section
6. (a) What is bribery and corruption? [5 marks]
(b) Explain five effects of bribery and corruption society. [15 marks]
7. (a) How is leisure time different from idleness? [10 marks]
(b) Indicate four ways in which you can use your leisure time profitably. [10 marks]
Candidates are to note that these are our well-analyzed questions to prepare and guide you for the examination ahead.
We wish you all the very best of luck!
READ ALSO: Pass 2023 BECE with these objective test question trends