Use your mind properly…stop putting every blame on the devil – Apostle Francis Amoako Attah
The habit of blaming others especially the devil (witches and wizards) for our misfortunes has taken over the lives of many people.
Interestingly, it is believed that such a habit originated with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and ever since then humans, particularly Christians, blame the devil for the sins, mistakes that they themselves have committed.
But do we have to continue in such tradition?
Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, Founder and General Overseer of Parliament Chapel International (PCI) in one of his teachings on Angel fm indicated that it is high time people left the devil and examine themselves well enough to take responsibility of their own actions and inactions.
“Let’s take responsibility and stop blaming witches and wizards,” he said.
According to him, the rampant road crashes that are claiming several lives are mostly caused by human errors, mainly from the fault of drivers yet the devil is blamed for these accidents.
According to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, witches and wizards can be found in America, Europe, London, China and everywhere, and even in Ghana they exist.
However, he averred that some people who might have made it in life may even have strong witches and wizards as parents, yet they have succeeded in life and are doing well.
“They have made it because they use their minds. Use your mind, use your mind properly. We need people who will take responsibility instead of irresponsible people, irresponsible drivers, irresponsible fathers, irresponsible mothers and we put every blame on the devil,” he said.
Experience has shown that people who habitually blamed others for their misfortunes, and not look and examine themselves will always have problems with themselves and with their God. They cannot repent.
A renowned writer CHRIS IREKAMBA once reports that; “Practically, every misdeed carried out by man is attributed to the devil. Seldom do human beings accept responsibility, when things they are involved in go wrong. In such cases, it becomes convenient to heap the blame at the doorstep of others, especially Satan, since he is supposed to be the invisible source of everything evil. Indeed, it is the occasional great and courageous that readily and openly admits to personal weaknesses and fallibility, when their undertakings go awry.
Interestingly, whenever human beings succeed in any endavour, they are quick to beat their chest in proud acknowledgement of their intellectual superiority and capability, as opposed to the creatures considered inferior and of lower capabilities.
The fact that man has been endowed with the ability to decide is not in any doubt. So then, if man, as the driver, cannot accept responsibility for his wrongdoings, who should be blamed? Is it the devil he refuses to acknowledge, when things are running smoothly? Or his Creator, Who has endowed him with the tremendous abilities with which he has been achieving great and noble things through the ages?
Is the devil really responsible for all the evil acts of man? Just where should the line be drawn between self-will and the devil’s influence?”
Listen to Apostle Francis Amoako Attah