The Word Became Flesh
Galatians 4: 3- 5
3 Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. 4 But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Today is the actual celebration of the fulfillment of what stands out as the greatest prophecy of all time. Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord, entering our world through a virgin, planted in her womb by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Today marks the celebration of the entry of God’ s Word that was in the beginning, becoming flesh to dwell amongst us. I am not getting into an argument as to whether December 25 is the actual day of Christmas. That debate can go on with no one getting it right. Let’ s put the debate about the exact date aside and focus on the reality of that day.
The reality is that it was the day that the hope for humanity that the prophets had prophesied several years, one after the other in different forms, became a reality in human existence. Once He was born in human form, our victory over the devil was guaranteed because all along no human could face the devil, and he thought he had a field day. Jesus coming changed the equation in our favor.
This is more than a David killing a Goliath. This was God showing His sovereign power in the universe. His birth marked the beginning of the end of the power of the devil trying to mess up your life and mine. Spend time before the Lord as you celebrate the Jesus who incarnated in our world to save us all.
1. Thank God that His promise of the savior of humanity was eventually fulfilled.
Pray that you will forever uphold Christmas in your heart.
Father, please keep me constantly honoring and revering the Christ of Christmas even beyond these celebrations.
I declare that I am blessed and highly favored. I have Jesus in my heart; not as a child born today, but as the King of kings and Lord of lords, One whose coming divided human history into two large segments, One whose coming results in the uplifting of the lowly and the bringing down of the haughty. In Him I receive new life just as God promised in the name of Jesus.
Thank you for reading and stay blessed.