Palm Sunday in a Lockdown battle against COVID-19, Even the Pope
Palm Sunday in a lockdown battle against COVID-19 was never envisaged by the Christian community the world over. Not even the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church saw it coming. The orthodox churches like The Presbyterians and Methodist, The Pentecostal churches and the flamboyant Charismatic churches and their ordained ministers never saw it coming.
Christians all over the world have for the first time, had no option but to celebrate Palm Sunday in their homes in an uncomfortable lockdown preferred to than contracting COVID-19.
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In all these, we are to build relationships with Christ and sing Hossana. We must show love to the poor and needy in these trying times and grow our faith in God S=so we can triumph with Him.
Simple acts of kindness and concern for others make the world a better place in this COVID-19 era. We must show Love in action, Love in deeds and exhibit faith with works. Let others feel God at work in you as Christ journey’s triumphantly not into Jerusalem but into your hearts and lives.
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The usual Christian carnival, the well written and composed hymns we sing together on days like this countless times in the past and floats that characterize Palm Sunday are nowhere today. Children and adults alike who get very excited weaving palm branches, waving them and singing Hossana to the King have all being silenced by a minute virus which the world has feared more than the creator of the universe.
John 4:23 But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.
Indeed, these are the days when the maker seated in heaven proves to all mankind … Thus says the LORD, “Heaven is my throne, and earth is the footstool of my feet. Where then is the house you could build for me? Isaiah 66:1
These are the days that true worship must emanate from within our spirits as Christians. No more outward Christianity and showmanship of religiosity. It must truly come from within.
From our confinements, lockdowns, restricted movements on Palm Sunday, solemn worship has become necessary if we are to connect with God in the season.
But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6.
However, many have lost touch with not only time but the season of Easter until this morning. How come Christians have forgotten their favourite verse in the Bible? 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
What kind of worshipper or Christian are you? Many don’t even remember the last time they prayed fervently since the coronavirus emerged while in the lockdown.
The world is engulfed with finding a lasting solution to COVID-19 so that we can go about busy with our businesses, education and what have you.
This Holy Week must lead all true Christians/ believers back to first love and the father through Christ Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. The unsaved must turn from their bad ways and the faithful must hold on to the faith.
These are not normal times and so I ask…
Do you believe God is warning us?
What do you believe these signs are pointing to?
Why have all the ‘powerful prophets’ who healed the sick, raised the dead and boasted about their powers gone to?
God is resetting the world for a massive shakeup. Get closer to your maker. Happy Holy Week, Happy Palm Sunday.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 and Lockdown your faith through Jesus the Christ.
Source: NewsGhana24 | Wisdom Hammond |