How to help Teenage Children Battling with Addiction
How to help teenage children battling with addiction is one of the biggest challenges of today’s parents whose jewels (children) have started using drugs.
The role of parents in helping their children to deal with addictions must never be undermined and can never be overemphasized. Sadly, most parents aren’t certain of how to help their progeny who are ladened with one addiction or more.
Although drug abuse is the most common form of addiction amongst young people, there exist other types of addictions that are also common. Some examples are addiction to alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, cocaine, pornography, gambling, food, sex, internet/social media, working, etcetera.
According to Wiktionary’s British English Dictionary, an addiction is a state that is characterized by compulsive drug use or compulsive engagement in rewarding behavior, despite negative consequences. An addiction is a habit that subverts one or more bodily organs via compelling ‘pleasure’ that appears to be ever ungratifiable or is temporarily gratifying, since the addict would have to often repeat it.
Every individual who has experienced an addiction knows how pragmatically impossible it is to help yourself out of it. It’s a sort of “the more you try, the more you fail” kind of experience. This is where the role of others (friends, family, spiritual heads, counselors, online information, etc) comes in.
In this article, we would be lifting the lid on the rudimentary roles of parents in helping their children who are battling with addictions of any sort. If addictions must be curbed among young minds, parents must play the following primary roles:
Naturally, this should be the craving of every parent. This comes in handy the most when the child experiences issues that require help from a second or third party. By default, humans (especially the young, adventurous, and exuberant) prefer to run only to people they see as confidants for help.
Consequently, if your child doesn’t see you as a friend and confidant, they will have a hard time letting you in through the doors of their lives. The only way you can successfully help your teen is if they demand your wisdom and discretion or if they advertently listen to your words and submit to your guidance. You cannot force this to be. Such bonding must be built overtime.
You will have to establish mutual understanding between you and your child or children before you can be able to help them. Love, trust, and accountability must be prioritized.
After a formidable relationship is in place between you and your teen, your next step should be to proffer practical solutions to the problem faced by your child. By now, you already know what exactly the addiction is and how it has affected and is affecting your teen. The next step to take becomes the offering of applicable solutions.
Depending on the addiction to be tackled, you can motivate them, counsel them or take them to a counselor, a therapist or psychologist, or seek spiritual help and guidance for them. It is also very pertinent that you flow with them through all of these processes.
Another wise step to take is to teach them to channel their energy into other profitable activities like exercising, reading and learning new things, travelling, meeting people, working, finding new hobbies, goals, personal projects, etc.
Be Patient with Children Battling with Addiction
This is very important. Since addictions require time and patience to overcome, if you fail to give recognition to this tip, you stand the chance of jeopardizing the entire process.
If you are impatient, you just might not reap the fruit of your efforts invested into establishing mutual understanding with your child, proffering solutions to their addictions, and overseeing the implementation of the solutions. You must be willing to experience the whole transformation process with your child.
You must not expect the addictions to disappear overnight. Likewise, you must never give up on trying to salvage your beloved teen. It is behoved of you to endure lovingly throughout the healing process and not abandon your teen halfway into the process. Sometimes, it might appear like progress isn’t being made at all. Ignore your senses and feelings at such point and press on! Children battling with addiction need help especially when adults in the same situation do not find it easy to deal with.
At the end of the day, your children are the object of your profound love. No one else would be happier to see them free from the claws of addictions. Be patient! children battling with addiction is everyone’s business, it is everyone’s worry, let us help our children.
Source: Trendit360