Relationship Advice: Letter to my future wife – Counsellor Francis
Relationship Advice: Letter to my future wife – Counsellor Francis
Dear future soulmate!!!!
I hope you doing fine. I know the chances of finding a lost hair strand in space is more than you finding this letter.
I am very bad at putting my thoughts on paper.
But I’m definitely going to try since it is for you.
Don’t know what to begin with.
Well, here are few things I want you to know about me:
Dear wife, I want you to know that I am not at all perfect, in fact nowhere close to perfection. You’ll have to bear with me and my silly mistakes. Those mistakes might make you laugh (Silly mistakes are good at times).
Relationship Advice:
Dear wife, I want you to know that I am not expecting you to be perfect as there’s no one who is perfect.
Even if you are full of flaws, it would hardly make any difference to me. I really don’t care how beautiful/attractive you look. What I believe is that it’s the inner beauty that speaks for someone’s persona, not the outer physical beauty.
One should be beautiful from the inside which stays forever. Rightly said, Being beautiful and looking beautiful are two different things. No matter how you look, you should be confident for what you are and walk into my life ASAP.
Dear Wife, I want you to know that, if I say I’ll do my best, it simply means, I’ll do my level best to accomplish the thing. I’ll not leave a single stone unturned.
Relationship Advice:
Dear wife, I want you to know that I have a past (or rather pasts). I have made many mistakes in those relationships but never repeated the same mistake twice. I am good at learning from my mistakes. I have learned almost every important lesson in life which is required to lead life in a smooth way. So I am ready for my final destination along with all necessary lessons learnt.
Dear wife, I want you to know that, I don’t want you to hold any grudges/bitterness against your ex (if you had one). I’m okay with your past even if you had one and I’ll be least interested in digging it. I won’t ever make assumptions on the basis of your past. I hope you would have moved on from your past before meeting me. In case you would have not moved on, you can trust me, I’ll give you all emotional support in order to get you healed from your experiences. I can sit with you all night long and can talk to you just to make you feel better.
Relationship Advice:
Dear Wife, I want you to know that you can trust me blindly. You can come up to me to share anything damn thing/secret in this world. I assure you, you won’t be judged by me at any point in time, no matter what you share with me.
Dear wife, I want you to know that, trust and loyalty few things I crave for. I don’t see any relationship without these two things. Keeping this fact in mind, I assure you that I’ll never lie or hide anything from you no matter what. And, I expect the same from you too.
Dear wife, I want you to know that I’m a bit more emotional. I get weak knees when I see anyone crying in front of me. I request you to let me know when you feel like crying. I’ll take care of the rest, & will make sure that you won’t lose any of your single tears.
Relationship Advice:
Dear wife, I want you to know that I’ll always be standing with you in every situation, be it good or bad. I’ll love you the same even if we’re in the ’80s. I’ll make sure you’ll feel my presence even if I’ll not be physically present there around you.
Sealed with tons of hugs and a kiss!
Your love,
Since eternity!
#SHARE to educate others.Cheers 
Image by Pana Kutlumpasis from Pixabay