How to Get a Last Minute Passing Grade on a Mathematics Exam
How to Get a Last Minute Passing Grade on a Mathematics Exam
Doing poorly on a exam is not the end of the world. If you find yourself in a bind, with a math exam fast approaching, there are a few steps you can take to help boost your grade. These include sleeping well, eating healthy, studying smartly, and approaching the exam the right way.
How to Study for a Math
Practice makes perfect when it comes to mathematics – that’s why your teacher assigns so many tedious homework problems! Many people try to study for math by simply memorizing formulas and equations the way they would memorize facts and dates. While knowing formulas and equations is important, the best way to learn them is by using them. Start studying early, do your homework, and ask your teacher for help if you run into any issues. Here we are close to this year 2023 B.E.C.E already, but no panic, we will TAKE this step by step for the best.
- Carefully read the directions given for each problem. Many students lose points on math exams because they read over the directions too fast and don’t do exactly what is required. Read the instructions over slowly and more than once to keep yourself from making simple, avoidable errors. [1]
- Pay attention to keywords in the instructions, like “solve” or “the average”.
- Solve the problems you know first. Since your maths exam will likely be timed, it is important to manage your time well. If you come across a difficult problem that you don’t know how to solve, skip over it and save it for later. Once you answer all the easy questions, you can come back to the more difficult ones.[2]
If you spend too much time trying to solve a difficult problem, you may not have time to answer problems later in the exam that you can solve.
Use all the time allowed for the exam. Whatever you do, don’t turn in the exam until your invigilator says that time is up. If you finish answering all the questions before the end of the exam period, double-check all your answers, and reread all the directions. Make sure you didn’t make any simple, avoidable mistakes.[3]
- As you double-check your answers, you may even recall other information that didn’t initially come to mind.
Studying for the Exam
Create a relaxing and distraction-free study space. Keep your computer, phone, TVs, and gaming systems in another room. Make sure you have a comfortable chair. Clear the desk or table at which you’ll be studying of everything except your class notes and math textbook.[4]
- Your local library would be a great distraction-free place to study.
- Let friends and family know you’ll be unavailable to talk during your study session.
Change study spaces during your review session to improve retention. When studying, the brain makes associations between what you’re studying and your physical surroundings. Moving to a different room during your study session can allow your brain to make more associations.
- Before settling on a new study spot, make sure it is also free of distractions (NO TV, Phone, Computer, etc).
Make a list of important concepts and formulas. Go through your math textbook, class notes, homework assignments, Mocks and past exams, and write down the important concepts and formulas that come up. Mark down which ones you know how to use and which ones you’re still struggling to master or understand.
- Try your best to memorize the concepts and formulas you write down.
Get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before your exam. If you’re cramming for a math exam, you may be tempted to stay up all night to study. However, this may do more harm than good. If you’re exhausted, you may even have trouble recalling information that you know. Your brain will be at its best when you are well rested.
If you have to wake up at 6:00 a.m., try to be in your bed with the lights out by around 9:30 p.m. That way, you’ll still get a full 8 hours of sleep, even if you can’t fall right asleep.
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