US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedi Exchange Rate for 12th January 2023
The US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedi Exchange Rate for 12th January 2023 is out along with rates for Pounds, Euros, and other foreign currencies.
The rates provided in here are reliable Foreign Exchange rates for the cedi against the major trading currencies.
The rates are provided by the Bank of Ghana, the Ghana Association of Forex Bureaux, Forex Bureaus, and Cedi rates. Cedi rates provided the US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedi Exchange Rate from the top seven banks and other sources to help stakeholders in the forex market have timely data for making informed investment decisions and buy or sell decisions regarding forex.
The Buy rate of the dollar is heading towards GHS12.00 whiles the selling rate is rising towards the GHS13.0 mark in Forex Bureaus
Ghanaian Cedi Exchange Rates from Forex Bureau (Afriswap Bureau De Change, Accra, Ghana)
The rates quoted for the buy and sell are up for the Dollar and other trading currencies as quoted by Afriswap Bureau De Change
Forex Bureau Rates for: 12th Jan 2023 01:00 PM
Currency | Buy Rate |
11.90 | |
14.00 | |
12.20 | |
07.00 | |
11.00 | |
12.50 | |
0.60 | |
15.00 |
Forex Bureau Rates for: 12th Jan 2023 01:00 PM
Currency | Sell Rate |
12.70 | |
15.00 | |
13.10 | |
09.50 | |
13.50 | |
17.50 | |
1.00 | |
19.00 |
Buy rate is rate at which we buy your foreign currency from you
Sell rate is rate at which we sell our foreign currency to you
¹USD exchange rate may vary depending on the denomination
² XOF and NGN are quoted in units of 1000
What is the US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedi Exchange Rate for 12th January 2023?
Reliable US Dollar to Ghanaian Cedi Exchange Rate from Cedi Rates @CediRates
The rates quoted by Cedi Rates were the exchange rates quoted by banks for the Dollar on the 10th of January 2023 and shared below are expected to be lower than rates yet to be received by for the day.
Below are the 10th January rates by banks
READ: Dollar to Cedis bank rates and Dollar to cedis Forex Bureau rates for 9th January 2023
At the Bank of Ghana, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS9.0 and the sell rate was GHS9.01
At the GCB, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS10.0 and the sell rate was GHS11.65
At the Stanbic Bank, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS9.90 and the sell rate was GHS11.95
At the ABSA, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS10.50 and the sell rate was GHS12.50
At Fidelity Bank, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS10.50 and the sell rate was GHS12.25
At CBG, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS910.40 and the sell rate was GHS12.40
At the CalBank, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS9.50 and the sell rate was GHS12.01
At the Societe Generale, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS9.50 and the sell rate was GHS12.59
At the Ghana Association of Forex Bureaux, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS11.00 and the sell rate was GHS12.00
At the Binance P2P, the Buy rate for the dollar was GHS12.32 and the sell rate was GHS12.35
Comparing the rates for today January 12th to that those of January 11th, there was no change in the rates however, the interbank rates quoted by the Bank of Ghana went up in favour of the dollar and other trading currencies.