The 310,454 excess ballots in AR- who added them to NPP? – (CDG-GH)
The Caucus for Democratic Governance (CDG-GH) has questioned the 310,454 excess ballots added to Nana Addo’s total votes cast per its calculation in the presidential election.
The political think tank in a press release copied to NewsGhana24 indicated is was worried about the outcome of the December 7th polls. It said President Nana Addo’s promise to ensure free fair, credible, and transparent elections prior to the polls were never adhered to.
According to the group, intimidations, Swapping of Figures, Wrong Calculations, and Recalculation that characterized the election and the result declared show that the wrong things were done.
In the statement, it said “Ghana rejects this flawed and discredited declaration by Jean Mensah who by all standards is not fair, not credible and not transparent. She can therefore not conduct a fair, credible, and transparent election.”
Full Press Release
13th DECEMBER 2020
The 310,454 excess ballots in AR- who added them to NPP?
Credible Election
The Caucus for Democratic Governance (CDG-GH) is worried about happenings arising out of the 7th December 2020 elections. Before the elections, the President, Nana Addo in one of his rhetoric, assured the Ghanaian public to expect nothing but a free fair, credible and transparent elections. Now the elections are over; and we ask : Is this the free, fair, credible and transparent elections the President promised ?
The elections started with Police and Military deployment on some of our boarders. That in itself was intimidating enough; meant to discourage people from voting. Real hell actually broke out during the counting. Some Military and Police personnel shot and killed innocent citizens whose only offence was casting their votes and helping to secure their ballots. The death of about ten innocent lives at different polling stations were lost. It must be a source of shame to Akufo Addo.
READ: Nana Addo is too weak in protecting Ghanaians
Swapping of Figures
In the National Collating Center, the EC took figures from NPP Collation Center and distributes to the compromised media. The results received were swapped; reducing the figures of the NDC and increasing the figures of the NPP. This becomes visible, comparing the figures from the Regional Collating Centers with those of the National Collating Center.. This swapping and changes to the advantage of NPP was detected by the NDC team in the National Coalition Center and so they complained, but Jean Mensah shamelessly resisted and would not listen to any complain because she had an agenda.
Correct Calculation
Among others, they found out that the Ashanti Region figures of NPP has been increased, from 1,485370 to 1,795824 (an increase of 310,454). On the other hand the figures of NDC had been reduced from 698,515 to 653,147 ( a reduction of 245,368).As if that is not enough, they went to Volta Region figures and reduced the NDC figures from 665,508 to 606,508 ( a reduction of 59,000) and increased the NPP figure from 90,481 to 100,481 (an addition of 10,000). If you add what was subtracted from the NDC Presidential figure and subtract what was added to the NPP Presidential figure, we have :
Nana Addo = 6,730413 – 320,454 = 6,409959
John Mahama = 6,704161 + 304,368 = 6,399793
Calculating with the total votes we have
Nana Addo 47.7% , John Mahama = 52.3%
The above calculation should be the TRUE RESULTS working with the figures from the Regional Coalition Center.
Wrong Calculations
In her declaration, using the tempered figures she announced the total ballots cast as 13,434574. She continued that Nana Addo had 6,730,413 votes representing 51.59% of the total votes, making Nana Addo the elected President.
If you go by her calculations and subtract Nana Addo`s votes from the total votes, you have
(13,434574 – 6,730413) = 6,704161 which is 50.9% of the total votes. This goes to prove that with her wrong figures President Mahama pulled 49.9% which makes the percentage of 51.9% declared for Nana Addo WRONG.
After the wrong calculations, Jean Mensah comes back to confess she made mistakes. Now that she has found one mistake, There is no guarantee there are no other mistakes. We should go back to rectify the other mistakes detected and reported by the NDC team in the National Coalition Center.
Jean Mensah, unfortunately, wants to mess up with the good people of Ghana. We are intelligent enough and will not allow any mistakes. The swapping in the Ashanti and Volta Regions would require a thorough recalculation using the figures from the Regional Coalition centers.
Ghana rejects this flawed and discredited declaration by Jean Mensah who by all standards is not fair not credible and not transparent. She can therefore not conduct a fair, credible and transparent election
Dr E.K.Hayford
Executive Director, CDG-GH
0277606338 / 0507694343