Plan These Areas Of Your Life To Be Completely Successful
There are nine identified areas of life one needs to put a greater focus on and they all depend on planning. These are as follows;
1. Spiritual life
2. Recreational life
3. Career life
4. Health and Wellbeing
5. Financial life
6. Family life
7. Social life
8. Political life
9. Retirement life
To have all-round success, you really need to plan for these areas of your life. Take spiritual; every human being is a spiritual being. So if you are a Christian, read your bible regularly and pray according to plan. In fact, have a daily routine whereby you pray early morning and journal what you are thankful for. Meditate on what you have read and try to live the principles which are the tenants of your belief system. Have a written plan on how committed you want to be and how close you can be with God.
Recreation must be adequately planned for as well. A plan without allocated time periods for recreations or letting ones’ head down a bit to play with colleagues or have fun with family and kids at home could make life boring. Have a list of fun games and recreational sites to visit. Do not concentrate on your family alone, you can plan with other family friends to have three or four friends come together annually or semi-annually for a planned tour or fun games. At the end of the day, these are the things that matter; which we will realize as we age.
Career planning is quite important, our very livelihood depends on it. Whether you are a corporate person or an entrepreneur, whatever field you find yourself, without smart goals and action plans, even luck might elude you in the years to come. Be deliberate about your career. Know what you are doing and you will feel lucky with the progress you will make. Where do you see yourself in the next five years, ten years, etc? At which level will you say you have reached your ultimate career aspiration? The good thing about being deliberate with actionable goals is that you become a better version of yourself in the process and if there is something I have learned in this life, it is the fact that nothing learned is a waste, it always comes handy.
Health and Well-being planning cannot be overemphasized, exercise routines, good diets (you do not need to spend a fortune on restaurant dishes), deliberate risk assessments on job routines, responsible driving ethics and in the wake of COVID-19, social distancing, face masking, washing of hands, coughing in hankies as well as bent elbows aid our healthy living and goes a long way in protecting us against unnecessary accidents. Have SMART health, safety, and well-being plan and commit to the same, let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food. By just having a plan and monitoring your progress, so many things that you take for granted will become relevant eg. you will realize that just sleeping in a mosquito net could save you time and money spent in treating malaria. Inculcate regular annual medical checks in your plans. This helps to identify otherwise life-threatening illnesses and obtain necessary treatments.
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Financial planning: do not put your finances on auto-pilot. We often leave finance matters on autopilot, some people, as soon as they receive a salary or any income, they make sure they spend on anything that comes to mind. The money begins to find spending avenues for them. Show the money what to do not the other way round. Plan your finances. Have a budget for each month and pay yourself first and spend the rest afterward. Aim for financial independence, look for multiple streams of income, and follow and update your plan. Have investment goals, plan your retirement, plan for your family, and your kid’s education. Have short term, medium-term and long term financial goals.
Family life planning is not just about the number of kids one wants to have. Equally important are other aspects of family life such as family finance, fun times, prayer times, individual needs, family health, accommodation, family discipline, core family values, family times, etc. Being deliberate about these things reduces the boredom that could arise and also proper planning enhances family bonds. This is because with good planning comes good evaluation and thus introspection. Plan every identifiable area of family life and involve each member of the family in the planning; have their inputs on each segment and get everyone to commit. Planning together helps planners to commit than forcing your views and your plans on everyone.
Social Life planning is a strange one but yes you need to plan your social activities. Have definite times that you interact on social media for example. Be deliberate about why you are on each platform; is it for business, for interactions, for news, gossip, etc? Know your social life “mojo” and stick to it. Change gradually and for good reasons on social media. Do not forget that you are still responsible for the things you post on social media. You may be hiding in your corner somewhere but your posts can bring you out. Do not share too much private information, these are only possible if you plan because in your plan you would have stated exactly what to share. Interact for real with people within your sphere. Do not spend all time on social platforms alone. Make time for interaction with real-life people in your house, community, town, real-life friends, etc. We are social beings and relational in many ways, so be social and plan to be social.
Political life planning is an awkward one if we think about it. You might say “I am not a politician” but truth is, we play politics all our lives. We have politics in all spheres of our lives. At our workplaces we have corporate politics, we have well-known governance politics, at each of life there are some politics at play. A well-planned life will take politics into consideration. What type of political animal do you want to be? Knowing your political life can help you accommodate dissenting views and understand that it is a game at best. Know that in certain types of politics, there is no bottom or no lows, you could fall or be exposed all the way to your bedroom. Plan your political life and be deliberate about your strategies.
Retirement Planning is laced with all the above. If you plan the last eight areas well, you will find retirement planning a breeze. Plan what you will do when you retire. Plant cash trees to take care of you in retirement. Rear animals, have a garden, own a store, do something that gets you out of home or get you to exercise. Do not just watch TV and movies, you would have health problems without adequate exercise. Do not rely sorely on SSNIT pension pay, have other options for yourself. Endeavor not to have retirement babies.
In conclusion, a life well planned is a life well-lived. There will be bumps along the way and unexpected things will happen but at least you will be prepared for most of them, surprises will be far between in terms of things you can plan for.