Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Early Detection, and Treatment Options
Breast Cancer: Symptoms, Early Detection, and Treatment Options
According to the WHO, breast cancer is the second most common cancer globally. It is the leading cancer in women. A few cases have also been reported in males.
What is Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is characterized by the uncontrolled growth and proliferation of cells in the breast. Excessive cell proliferation within the breast is described as in situ. This type of cancer is easy to treat and manage without many complications. If the tumor is not detected early, it can spread to surrounding areas, a process known as invasion or metastasis. This type is hard to treat and usually involves years of combined therapy.
There is no single clear cause of breast cancer. Some people are more likely to get this cancer compared to others. However, being in the high-risk group is not a guarantee of cancer. The risk is increased by factors such as;
old age
family history of breast cancer
exposure to radiation
excessive alcohol consumption
Signs And Symptoms
The initial stages of most breast cancers are asymptomatic. This is the reason why regular screening is necessary. Most symptoms only occur when the cancer is getting worse. Some common signs and symptoms include
changes in the appearance of the breast
discoloration of the nipples or the surrounding area
breast lumps
abnormal fluid from the breast
blood from the breast
Breast cancer is typically treated with surgery, medication, or radiation, and often a combination of these methods is necessary for effective treatment. Several tests are required to determine the best treatment plan. The process is frequently long-term but has promising outcomes. It is advisable to adhere to the treatment for better results.
Global Stastictics of Breast Cancer
According to statistics from the WHO website, breast cancer is widespread in countries such as China, India, the United States, Brazil, Japan, the Russian Federation, Germany, Indonesia, and the UK. The highest number of deaths related to this condition has been reported in India, China, and the US. Significant breast cancer-related deaths have also been recorded in Nigeria and Pakistan, as well as in Brazil, Germany, and Japan.
It is worth noting that the risk of dying from breast cancer increases with increasing age.
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