I was a secular musician for ten years before i got born again and obviously, my life experienced a complete U-turn.
By The Nigerian mentor and music Minister Panam percy paul
Damaged soul
Between 1964 and 1974 when I played and sang songs in some of the top hotels and clubs in zaria and kaduna, if anyone had told me the level of damage I was inflicting on my mind and spirit I would have fought such a person because everything seemed normal and exciting.
By 1970, jimmy cliff released the song no woman no cry written by bob Marley, and Fela Ransome Kuti released the album black man’s cry. I was in secondary school then. I sang those songs in class while banging on my desk. In the night I’d be out in the clubs jiving and making everyone happy (at least, so I thought then), I never realized how obsessed, possessed, and drunk I became with the energies and virtues of those songs until my conversion in ’74.
Whenever I would kneel down to pray there would be a flood of those songs coming from deep within my spirit through my mouth. My mind could not focus on anything godly because my reins were filled and contaminated with all kinds of spirits. They were all inside the songs and the music. I did everything I could to be free from that torment but to no avail. I would cry to God telling him that “…I am now a new creature and old things have passed away…” but nothing had passed away. My mind became a battle zone. There was a heavy contention as to which spirit would take possession of my soul. The pain was unbelievable and unbearable.
My spirit-man was already loaded with other spirits and there was no more room for the Holyspirit. All the bible i read just bounced back out. I couldn’t retain anything new in my spirit cos I was a temple of Satan.
Soul and spirit
The deception was that I was still super intelligent and did excellently in school. Now I know that soul and spirit are two completely different apartments. While one appears ok the other was sick and dead. This war lasted for 5years.
New song
In 1979 the lord had mercy on me and told me he would give me new songs to replace the old ones. The human spirit has space or room for only one captain.
Spirit and life
The Lord Jesus Christ said “… The words I speak (sing) are spirits and life…” This means that other words (songs) are spirits and death.
It is a dangerous thing to fall into the trap of trying to justify the kind of secular songs or music we listen to. All songs are spirits. All words are influences and can build or destroy.
There are loads of beautiful melodies in the world today. Sometimes I wish I could sing or even adapt but I know their sources and purposes. They are indecent and can even confused the most fervent in faith.
Several years after being delivered, I was driving to my studio while listening to news on the radio. Soon after there was a song playing, titled let’s talk about sex baby by a girls band called salt ‘n pepper. To my surprise, as strong as I thought I was, that song came back at me few days later. I kept humming and singing it unconsciously. Suddenly I realized the nonsense coming through my holy mouth.????
Songs and music don’t need your permission to infiltrate your spirit or reasoning faculties. It takes just one minute for a song to slip through all your defenses into your foundation and begin to cause damages to your spirit and theology.
Secular is anti-God
It is against God and His moral standards. Secular is devilish.
You might have been trapped in secular music and cant even see the truth I speak. As citizens of God’s kingdom we have no business with the affairs of this world, or any other kingdom, no matter how enticing. Don’t get contaminated. Be free and your heart can then be filled and express those godly desires you’ve had for years.
The mentor
Minister Panam percy paul