How soldier shot and killed Ashaiman Guy-Eyewitness account
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How the soldier shot and killed Ashaiman guy has remained a mystery covered with different versions of what happened on that faithful day until now.
When Eric Ofotsu, aka “No Yawa”, in the Ashaiman was fatally shot by a soldier on Sunday, the news that came in suggested that, it was not intentional. Now, an eye witness has given us an eye witness account of what she saw on that faithful day.
This account eye witness account as told to Accra based Joy TV revealed that…
Ofosuwaa, the deceased’s family acquaintance, said that Sunday she went to accompany a colleague. Upon her return, she saw a soldier who asked why she was outdoors. She told him she was on her way to was the washroom.
“When I came out, I saw him (soldier) telling Ofotsu to leave the area, but Ofotsu told him (soldier) that he lives at the market,” Ofosuwaa recounted. “I told the soldier that Ofotsu was mentally challenged and he sleeps and works at the market by transporting goods and engaging in menial jobs”.
She said the previous day, Ofotsu had desilted the gutters and he had not yet been compensated by the Ashaiman Municipal Assembly. “All of us around told the soldier he (Ofotsu) had a mental problem,” she said, as she alleged that the serviceman ignored her comments.
READ: Soldier jailed 20 years for incest, defiling daughter
After the call, “He cocked his gun, and we all took cover, but before we realized he had shot him (Ofotsu)”.
“I ran and held my ‘brother’, and I started calling neighbours for help,” she said in tears.
“If they said Ofotsu held on to the soldier’s gun, it is a lie. He never tried to disarm the soldier. The soldier didn’t try,” she concluded.
- Key issues her is someone in possession of cannabis to be killed?
- Did the deceased try to disarm the officer?
- Was a call placed and was an order given to kill the gentleman?
- Can the telcos help retrieve that call and the conversation and who gave the order?