Africa’s ‘Neglect’ Of Madagascar’s COVID-19 Organic Worrying
Madagascar’s COVID-19 organic’s efficacy to cure COVID-19 has been doubted by many countries around the world, including the WHO.
The reason behind the doubt is that the COVID-19 Organic has not gone through the necessary scientific testing to prove its reliability and validity. WHO’s warning against the use of untested cures is one of the considerations Africa is looking at leading to it rejecting COVID-19 Organic.
The World Health Organization also has dismissed the Madagascar president’s claims of the ability of the herbal extract to cure COVID-19 has been dismissed by the WHO. America and Europe are not even talking about it but Africa has remained highly divided.
The Economic Community of West African States, ECOWAS, has dissociated itself from COVID-Organic from Madagascar after the news came in that some West African countries including Ghana were planning to ship some of the coronavirus herbal cure to its shores. ECOWAS made its position clear through a press release.
The big question is why is it that African countries are not putting together some of the best in herbal medication, doctors, pharmacists, and all the best pharmaceutical companies in Africa to probe Madagascar’s COVID-19 Organic’s efficacy scientifically and help improve on it if possible.
It is rather unfortunate that African countries instead of looking within have neglected this option and have decided to fully go in line with the WHO without building a continental front and capacity towards winning this fight together.
Guinea-Bissau has however taken a bold step to test the cure. There are many herbal medicines in Africa that have not gone through robust scientific testing but they are used by millions to cure all manner of ailments and many sicknesses across Africa.
This is the time for Africa to look within rather than divided on the efforts of Madagascar and neglect its genuine efforts toward safeguarding the human race.
I’m American and I am highly disappointed with these white washed money hungry put down on Africa’s hard work.